I went to pick you a flower, but it was a venus fly trap and it bit my head, so I killed it and got you this piece of grass instead. 我本来要摘朵花给你的,但没想到它是一个捕蝇草,而且他咬了我的头,所以我就杀了它并且拿了这么一片草来代替。
You will never ever actually kill a hunter with trap dance alone, what you want is force them to get off the trap a little bit, make them dance with you around the trap. 你永远也别指望只靠在陷阱上跳舞就能杀死一个猎人,你所希望的是逼迫他们稍微的离开陷阱,让猎人在陷阱周围绕着你转圈。
If you need to trace the next instruction, you need to set the trap bit again. 如果你需要单步执行下一条指令,你需要在一次的设置陷阱标志位。